Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bump in the Road

* Spoiler Alert! Plot Spoilers Ahead *

Due to the time it takes to write, collect photos, and find internet access for making posts, the blog is usually a few weeks behind reality.  If you enjoy reading chronologically, just skip this post.  If you can stand a break from the straight timeline, jump in our time machine and read on for the closest to "real-time" blogging we have done to date.

Bob Dylan said "When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose."  So we've got that going for us....which is nice.  A couple days ago, our rental van was broken into near Brisbane, Australia.  It was parked in a busy parking lot in broad daylight, but that did not stop the crooks from prying the lock off of the door.  Sadly, we were parted with most of our belongings, including the PC we used to make our blog entries.  Therefore, we expect an even slower posting cadence than you are accustomed to while we try to rebuild.

Thankfully, we are safe and have each other.  The experience has left us shaken, but we will recover and the Odyssey will go on.  The senseless nature of the theft is nearly laughable, as we had very little that has any value to anyone but us.  Anyone who has had the distinct pleasure of living with Ben knows that his dirty socks (which were stolen) will not be hot sellers.  We can shrug off the loss of the "stuff", but the loss of our photos and journal will likely pain us for a very long time.

At any rate, thanks for your patience on upcoming posts.  Having this digital record of our adventures just skyrocketed in importance!


  1. :( How horrible/awful that this happened. Forget the clothes, but I understand being upset about the journal and pictures. Thankfully, you guys have done a beautiful job with your blog...which can be turned into a book (check out I'm sure there are other sites that do it too.
    Can't wait to hear about more adventures!

  2. Ahh my friends - that is sad news indeed. I can only imagine the pain of losing the many pictures I'm sure you had of this wonderous journey you have undertaken. But you know - you are on this trip - not for the pictures and souvenirs - but for the experience - something no one can steal, take or borrow from you.

    If there is anything I can do (though I am far away) please let me know. In the mean time buy Ben fresh socks (see there are always silver linings in the darkest of clouds) and forge ahead.


  3. I am so upset!! That is horrible. Like getting kicked in the nards when you are already down. bastards! I bet these crooks will likely second guess their future "jobe" after getting the wonderful dirty socks and little valueable goods. I assume you checked to see if there were other break ins, cameras etc. Also, did your trip purchases or personal insurance policy cover travel perils such as this? If you need help claiming or doing anything here in the states, please let me know if I can help!

  4. Unbelievable! What punkass jerks! I know I'm behind in reading up on your blog, but I'm really angry at those scoundrels! But at the same time, I'm happy and thankful that you guys are ok -- no physical harm.

    Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, especially if you're still in this part of the world. And I wish you a wonderful and safe remainder of your amazing adventure!
